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Recordings of Previous Lunch and Learn Sessions


October 23, 2024

FBA’s & BIP’s: Collaborating for Student Success

Dr. Lisa McClearly, LP, LSSP, BCBA-D, NCSP

Recording can be viewed here:
Passcode: uD4Y@dKq

June 26, 2024

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Understanding Exclusionary Factors: All Things Considered

Presenter: Georgene Moon, NCED

This session covers the role of Exclusionary Factors and their impact on SLD identification, while also considering the continued impact from Covid-19 on education and the importance of documentation in our reports.  Included in the presentation is a brief review of the Exclusionary Factors required by federal and state law and the impact of societal changes: social, economic, cultural and technology related.  The updated Exclusionary Factors Checklist is presented, as well as additional forms that can be used as documentation during your data gathering and evaluation process.  In addition, the possible impact of Covid-19, both short and long term, on our students’ education and the ethical implications of disregarding Exclusionary Factors is reviewed.

Recording can be viewed here: 



June 18, 2024

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Navigating Support for d/Deaf Students: Insights and Strategies for the ARD/IEP Committee

Dr. J. Lindsey Kennon

As we have progressed toward inclusive education for diverse learners, it is essential for IEP committee to equip themselves with the knowledge and tools necessary to support students with diverse needs. One such group is students who are d/Deaf, whose educational journey can be significantly enhanced when their team is prepared to support their unique needs as a micro-population within Special Education. This session aims to empower educators with the knowledge and resources needed to effectively support d/Deaf students in their classrooms. Join us for a lunch-and-learn discussion, outlining the challenges educators may encounter when working with d/Deaf students. The focus of this session will be to share knowledge related to language acquisition and development in students who are d/Deaf or hard-of-hearing and their unique and varied linguistic landscape, including variations in signed languages, communication preferences, and the impact of hearing loss on language acquisition. We will also discuss assessment considerations, as well as actionable strategies for effective support related to LRE, accommodations, modifications, and support services.

Recording available here: 


 May Lunch and Learn Series

May 29, 2024

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Best Practices in Evaluating Emergent Bilinguals for Special Education

Presenter: Dr. Cristina Rodríguez Chen, RPED, NCED

Emergent Bilinguals (EBs) represent one of the fastest-growing groups of school-age students in the United States, having increased by 60% in the last decade and now encompassing over 400 languages, with approximately 80% speaking Spanish. Public schools are more racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse than ever before, a trend expected to persist. By the year 2030, it is estimated that second language learners will make up approximately 40% of the school-age population. This increasing diversity underscores the urgent need to address the longstanding issue of appropriately identifying and providing educational services for diverse students. However, the future for students identified as EBs is uncertain. They exhibit some of the highest dropout and retention rates among all youth, influenced by societal factors that affect their educational experiences. These include the availability of adequate language supports and limited understanding among educators and evaluation staff regarding how to differentiate cultural/language differences from true disabilities.


Norm-Referenced Test Interpretations: Ensuring Ecological Validity 

Presenter(s): Dr. Edward Schultz, NCED

Norm-referenced tests are a helpful tool in identifying learning disabilities. However, evaluators often rely too much on standard score interpretation. To ensure that the tests accurately describe classroom performance, they must be analyzed beyond the standard score level. This session will focus on three other types of analysis to make your tests more generalizable – task demand analysis, contextual analysis, and integrated data analysis.

 Recording Available Here. Enter the following passcode to view recording:  jkmS6&EZ 

April Lunch and Learn Series

Assistive Technology Assessment: Running Each Student’s Race Before Passing the Baton

Presenter(s): Dr. Kathleen Sheriff

Imagine running a race in your mind before you ever even get to the track. What can we do to support students in their individual races toward successful school participation? Suppose we plan from the locker room to the finish line for each student in need of assistive technology (AT)? Let’s talk, walk and then run through some steps necessary from supporting foundational skills to carrying a baton across successful barrier lines. Bring your imaginations along with your lunch for our AT Lunch & Learn Time Together!

Recording Available Here. Enter the following passcode to view recording:    *&hD$db0


Integrative Training for Educational Diagnosticians: Determining PSW for SLD or Educational Diagnostician Detective

Presenter(s): Dr. Marjason

Training for educational diagnosticians aiming to determine a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses (PSW) for Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) involves a comprehensive understanding of assessment tools, data interpretation, and collaborative decision-making. The primary goal of this training is to equip educational diagnosticians with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively assess students for Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) by identifying their Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses. The theoretical frameworks, practical assessment techniques, and collaborative problem-solving strategies to guide diagnosticians in determining PSW for SLD. Participants will engage in being a ” detective” and working though a case study for determining SLD using PSW.

Recording Available Here. Enter the following passcode to view recording :  


NCED does not promote any one company, methodology, assessment tool/battery, or theory. We are simply providing an opportunity for professional growth which may be of interest to you.  Please note NCED does not take responsibility for the material presented or the presenters.  We only share the information to you as a resource.

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