It is with great pleasure that I introduce to you our newest NCED Directors, Jennifer Vasquez and Donald Fontenot.

Jennifer brings to the NCED Board over 20 years of experience in the field of educational diagnostics. She began her career as an educational diagnostician in 2000 and transitioned to the role of lead diagnostician. She is currently serving as a Special Education Coordinator for educational diagnosticians. Prior to her role as an educational diagnostician, she taught special education for 6 years. She served on the Texas Professional Educational Diagnostician Board for 6 years in the roles of treasurer, secretary, and board chair. She currently supports aspiring educational diagnosticians studying through Region 10 in North Texas as a small group Facilitator.

Donald also brings a wealth of knowledge to the Board as he began his career as an educational diagnostician in May 1981. He retired in July 2016, but returned to work in August 2017 to fill a critical shortage position in Louisiana. He has been a Nationally Certified Educational Diagnostician since the inception of NCED, taking the inaugural exam with over 200 other educational diagnosticians. He started an Assistive Technology Assessment Team in his district in the 1990’s. He has been honored in the field including being named Educational Diagnostician of the Year in 2010 for the state of Louisiana. He has served on numerous professional boards and committees during his career.

Jennifer and Donald will begin their three-year term on July 1, 2024.

The NCED Board of Directors for 2024-2025 is as follows:

President- Michelle Norwood, MEd

Past President- Cindy Simpson, PhD

Vice President (Exam Chair) – Kellie East, MAT

Secretary (Publicity Chair) – Jennifer Vasquez, MEd

Treasurer- Georgene Moon, MEd

Certificate Holder Chair- Becky Dieckmann, MEd

Professional Growth Chair, Summer Kolinski, PhD

Exam Assist, Director at Large- Danielle Frith, ABD

Director at Large – Donald Fontenot, MAT

I would also like to thank Jana Cole and Maribel Garza, who will be rotating off the board this year, for serving on the NCED Board and volunteering their time to help our organization achieve its goals. Each of the NCED Board of Directors appreciates their commitment to NCED and we know they will continue advocating for our profession.