NCED Lunch and Learn for May 16, 2024 features one of our NCED Certificate Holders, Dr. Edward Schultz. Dr. Schultz is a full professor at Midwestern State University. He is responsible for training future special educators and educational diagnosticians. He also offers professional development and consultations to many school districts across the state and state departments. Dr. Schultz is the co-creator of the Core-Selective Evaluation Process (CSEP) and has an interest in SLD/Dyslexia identification, multi-tiered systems of support, and school improvement. He will be presenting the following FREE Professional Development Session:

May 16, 2024
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST
Norm-Referenced Test Interpretations: Ensuring Ecological Validity

Norm-referenced tests are a helpful tool in identifying learning disabilities. However, evaluators often rely too much on standard score interpretation. To ensure that the tests accurately describe classroom performance, they must be analyzed beyond the standard score level. This session will focus on three other types of analysis to make your tests more generalizable – task demand analysis, contextual analysis, and integrated data analysis.

Register Here: 

Disclaimer: NCED does not promote any one company, methodology, assessment tool/battery, or theory. We are simply providing an opportunity for professional growth which may be of interest to you.  Please note NCED does not take responsibility for the material presented or the presenters.  We only share the information to you as a resource.